Primary Type – Cards
Secondary Type - Cards
Language – Cards
Creator – Cards
Date – Cards
Group – Cards
Location – Cards
Event – Cards
Post-it note with handwritten message in blue marker. The message reads: "As a result of this hate, I'm committing to discovering my Jewish identity and am doing micro-kindness."
Glass vase containing a variety of stone, colored glass, and synthetic red poppy flowers. Included in vase are tags reading, "Dept of NJ American Legion Auxiliary" and "In memoriam."
White button with black text and safety pin on back, Design features tree with branches forming a Star of David. Text above design reads, "#pittsburghstrong."
Letter from a member of the Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church in San Diego, California. The letter is dated 11/4/2018 and reads: "Dear Fellow Journeyers in Faith- May you experience others holding you in their caring arms during this time of loss and grief. Know you are not forgot. Know God can redeem this tragedy to bring about justice. -A friend in San Diego- Claudia."
Message written on a green note card which affirms the importance of words and combatting hate. The note ends with the following words: "Squirrel Hill is in the hearts and minds of everyone in PGH [Pittsburgh] and in the world."
Folded card with colored pencil illustration. Cover shows a whimsical landscape with a tree, balloon, bushes, rainbow, flower, and a sun. Inside reads: "Stay strong, we're all standing with you. A little hope can go a long way [heart]. Best wishes; this too shall pass". Back cover reads: "2018."
Square card with white and yellow text against blue background. Card reads, "Mitzvah4Pittsburgh. Some spread darkness. We spread light. Choose a good deed. Choose a Mitzvah. Add light to the world," followed by four options and a place for respondents to list their name and email address. Some names and email addresses have been redacted for privacy.
Floral tag from floral arrangement sent by the Lambe, Platt, and Sprague families. Message is handwritten in blue ink on a printed tag with a white rose on the left edge.
Post-it note with handwritten message in blue marker. The message reads: "Together we are stronger. T and L."
Card from the Friendship Circle of Illinois. The card reads: "To the Jewish community of Pittsburgh sheyichyu (may they live), I will daven for you and give extra tzadakah (charity) and nothing else should happen like what just happened and when moshiach (the Messiah) comes [?] and Hashem will do t'chiyat hameitim (resurrect the dead). The rest of your life should be successful. From so and so... which." The acronym "BS"D" (with the help of heaven), a common header in traditional Jewish letter-writing, appears in the upper left corner.
Post-it note with handwritten message in black ink. The message reads: "We are all brothers and sisters. Your struggle is our struggle. - A Muslim." Color bleeding due to exposure to the elements at the Wilkins memorial.
Torn page from a children's coloring book with illustrations of a seal and fish on the front and a lion on the back.
Post-it note with handwritten message in blue ink. The note features an illustration of a heart with the numbers "412" written inside.
Printed pamphlet in blue, white, and black ink on blue and white paper. The front cover reads, in English and Hebrew: "Messiah Revealed." The inner panels contain ten biblical prooftexts in support of the claim that the Hebrew Bible foretold the coming of the messiah, "Yeshua" (Jesus).
Summary: KDKA-TV report from a havdalah vigil at the corner of Forbes and Murray Aves. in Squirrel Hill.
Navy blue cotton t-shirt with white and gold screen-printed lettering. Lettering on front reads, "Pitt/Stronger Than Hate" with a Star of David taking the place of the dot above the letter I in "Pitt."