Primary Type – Cards
Secondary Type - Cards
Language – Cards
Creator – Cards
Date – Cards
Group – Cards
Location – Cards
Event – Cards
Card with colored pencil illustration. Cover features an illustration of a leafy tree with pink asterisk-shaped stars, labeled: "The place where new life can grow." Inside reads: "Baruch dayan ha'emet" in English and Hebrew, and "I am sorry for your friends and families loss. I know what it feels like. So I am sending all the way from Texas this blessing." The back is signed: "Miriam." Spelling errors have been corrected in this transcription.
Envelope containing handwritten notes from the first grade religious school class at Congregation Beth Torah in Richardson, Tx. Handwritten text on envelope reads, "Hand delivered with our deepest love and sympathy. From the first grad religious school class. Congregation Beth Torah, Richardson, Texas. May their memories be for a blessing."
Card with colored pencil and marker illustration. When opened, the card shows a tree in the center with a cross on top of a yellow circle in the center left. It is inscribed with the following message: "The tree of life where more life can come to be bet[t]er" and is signed "Samuel [last name redacted]. Risd TX."
Card with colored pencil illustration. When opened, the card features an illustration of a tree and grass. It inscribed with the following message: "We are sorry for your loss" and the word "love" surrounded by a heart.
Card with colored pencil and marker illustration. When opened, front side shows illustrations of two five pointed stars and a stack of hearts, and is inscribed: "Margow. We are sorry for your loss." Back shows a tree with spiral-shaped branches and heart-shaped bow and arrows with a rectangular border with hearts in each corner.