Features seven "chants," mostly taken from Hebrew scripture.
Rodef Shalom Congregation is the oldest Jewish congregation in Western Pennsylvania. It was chartered in 1856 and became affiliated with the Reform movement in 1864. Following the attack at the Tree of Life synagogue on October 27, 2018, Rodef Shalom hosted funerals for several victims and eventually came to house two of the three congregations displaced by the attack, Tree of Life Congregation and Congregation Dor Hadash. The congregation regularly hosts a Sunday morning Tikkun Chant Circle. The program features snippets of Hebrew scripture set to simple, repetitive melodies by composer and chant leader David P. Goldstein, set to drums and East Indian shruti box. A regular meeting of the group planned for October 28, 2018 was rescheduled following the October 27 attack and a new selection of chants was chosen in response to the attack. While previous iterations of the event had typically attracted around 10 regular participants, 44 people attended the first meeting following the attack.
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