Primary Type – Cards
Secondary Type - Cards
Language – Cards
Creator – Cards
Date – Cards
Group – Cards
Location – Cards
Event – Cards
Post-it note with handwritten message in black marker. The message reads: "We are stronger together!!" Signed: "Arielle."
Post-it note with handwritten message in blue marker. The message reads: "Love with [will] always win in a war against hate. -Simon [last name redacted]."
Handwritten card from a student at Goddard Middle School in Littleton, Co. Cover features an illustration of an American flag and Israeli flag flanking a budding plant in the lower center, and a bilingual quote in English and Hebrew attributed to Ghandi in the upper center. In English, the quote reads: "Be the change you want to see in the world." The inside reads: "Dear Rabbi Jeffrey Myers, I am so sorry for your loss. It breaks my hear to hear about acts of Anti-Semitism. I am keeping you and your congregation in my heart and prayers.
Letter from a member of the Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church in San Diego, California. The letter reads: "Dearest sisters and brothers in the Lord, I just wanted to encourage you in the midst of all this tragedy and sadness that God will rise up among the carnage and be glorified through such honor and sadness. He is alive and well, and I know it doesn't feel like He is among you. He is and He will reign forever and be there with you in these hard times. He loves each and every one of you and has a plan for all of this.
Handwritten note written in yellow marker on a printed paper with a framed picture with leaves around the edges. The note is written inside the leaf frame and reads: "Eleven beautiful leaves for eleven beautiful sweet souls ripped away... Six strong trees for the six injured but here to stay. Hated can't weaken a city of steel."
Post-it note with handwritten message in blue ink. The note features an illustration of a heart with the numbers "412" written inside.
Floral tag from floral arrangement addressed to the members of the Tree of Life synagogue. The note is printed on a tag with a beige background from a local florist; tearing in the center right due to exposure to the elements at the Wilkins memorial.
Note from a member of The Church at Severn Run in Severn, Maryland. The note is enclosed in an envelope with church letterhead, reading: "The Church at Severn Run: Love Well, Live Jesus, Believe Big!" The note inside contains messages of support and divine love. The church's contact information is included on the back of the envelope.
Metallic jar containing dried flowers and branches.
White envelope addressed to Tree of Life Congregation. Handwritten in black ink. Staining due to exposure to the elements at the Wilkins memorial.
Note from a member of The Church at Severn Run in Severn, Maryland. The note is enclosed in an envelope with church letterhead, reading: "The Church at Severn Run: Love Well, Live Jesus, Believe Big!" The note inside is dated October 28, 2018 and reads: "Dear Friends, Peace to you. May you live in the love, joy, and kindness of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God is on the throne, always. Harry [last name redacted]." The church's contact information is included on the back of the envelope.
Page of typed text. Header includes a roadway in the outline of a heart, surrounded by people on bikes. Green border around page. Program lists speakers at event. Footer inlcudes logos for Moms Demand Action, Ceasefire PA, and Squirrel Hill Stands Against Gun Violence and acknowledgement of several donors.
Note from a member of The Church at Severn Run in Severn, Maryland. The note is enclosed in an envelope with church letterhead, reading: "The Church at Severn Run: Love Well, Live Jesus, Believe Big!" The note inside affirms God's greatness and his love. The church's contact information is included on the back of the envelope.
Note from a member of The Church at Severn Run in Severn, Maryland. The note is enclosed in an envelope with church letterhead, reading: "The Church at Severn Run: Love Well, Live Jesus, Believe Big!" The note inside contains messages of love and support. The church's contact information is included on the back of the envelope.
Post-it note with handwritten message in red marker. The note, which is written inside a heart, reads: "We love you guys." Two Stars of David appear on the lower right and center.
Note from a member of The Church at Severn Run in Severn, Maryland. The note is enclosed in an envelope with church letterhead, reading: "The Church at Severn Run: Love Well, Live Jesus, Believe Big!" The note inside contains messages of peace, love, and unity. The church's contact information is included on the back of the envelope.