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Floral tag from floral arrangement sent by the Brown family. The tag reads: "Pittsburgh Strong. We grieve with you. There are no words. Thank you for standing for love. Thank you for fulfilling Exodus 22:21." Note handwritten in blue ink on a printed tag featuring a white rose on the left.
Post-it note with handwritten message in blue marker. The message reads: "I pray to you and remember you always. May your soul rest in peace." Tape affixed on the upper center.
Floral tag from floral arrangement. The tag features a quote from Psalm 121:4, which reads: "Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber no sleep." The message is handwritten in black ink on a printed tag with white and purple flecked flowers.
Cylindrical white ceramic vase containing two bouquets of blue synthetic hydrangeas. Vase is cracked down one side from top.
Floral tag enclosed in white envelope from floral arrangement. The envelope is hand illustrated in blue ink with a tree in the center and has a hole punch in the upper left corner. The tag is addressed to Squirrel Hill and reads: "To the neighborhood that gave me my friends, my craft, my fiancee, my passion, and my livelihood, shine on, love on, heal on, grow and hug, and thrive and be gentle with one another. Heal. Heal. Heal. Love."
Paper booklet with typed text, color photographs, 24-pages with saddle-stitched binding. Contains short articles by employees of the congregation on a range of topics.
Summary: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review report on claim by the Anti-Defamation League that the October 27 attack was 'likely the deadliest' antisemitic incident in American history. Includes a statement from ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt.
Cover of sddle stitched. Embossed gold text on white cover. Text reads "30th Anniversary Congregation Dor Hadash June 20, 1993."
Post-it note with handwritten message in black ink. The message reads: "We love you and we're with you."
Note from a member of The Church at Severn Run in Severn, Maryland. The note is enclosed in an envelope with church letterhead, reading: "The Church at Severn Run: Love Well, Live Jesus, Believe Big!" The note inside contains messages of support and prayer. The church's contact information is included on the back of the envelope.
Summary: Collection of social media posts, compiled by The Incline, from local and national figures responding to the October 27 attack. Includes comments from President Donald Trump, Mayor Bill Peduto, Sen. Jay Costa, Sen. Bob Casey, Sen. Pat Toomey, Rep. Mike Doyle, and former President Barack Obama.
Letter from a member of the Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church in San Diego, California. The letter reads: "To my Jewish brothers and sisters: I just want you to know that my prayers and love are with you. I cannot imagine your thoughts or emotions, but I am angry and saddened. No matter what I will always be with you. Joel D. San Diego 11/2/18."
Post-it note with handwritten message in blue ink. The message reads: "Prayers for Pittsburg[h]. May this never happen again anywhere." Color bleeding due to exposure to the elements.
Post-it note with handwritten message in black marker. The message reads: "Sending love from Detroit, MI." Tape on the upper edge.
Trifold pamphlet on off white paper with typed text. Cover features photograph of chandelier from the Rodef Shalom Congregation sanctuary, quote by Ahad Ha'am, and congregational logo. Interior lists details for Friday night and Saturday morning services, lists the names of the victims of the October 27 attack, and reprints original poetry by Rabbi Danny Schiff, Chana Brody, and Valerie Bachrach. Back cover lists officers of the congregation. Two-page insert lists upcoming events at the congregation.
Letter from a member of the Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church in San Diego, California. The letter is dated 11/4/18 and reads: "Dear All, Our hearts are crying with you. We feel you[r] pain. We pray you can worship in your house and feel safe. With Halloween just passing, I am reminded of skeletons and the fact they all look the same. We can't tell someone's faith, color, etc. We are all the same- people of God. Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church is with you, supports you, cares for you. Mary [last name redacted] Elementary School Teacher."
Red synthetic flowers with green leaves inserted into a cylindrical piece of synthetic moss. Wrapped in brown textured paper and tied with raffia bow.
Letter from a member of the Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church in San Diego, California. The letter is dated 11/4/2018 and reads: "To the Tree of Life Synagogue, Our love and support go out to you. Only the Love of God in us can help to overcome such a tragedy and grief. Stay strong, stay united, and know that we at Point Loma Church in San Diego are praying for you and remembering you. With His Love, Geri [last name redacted]."
Single sheet folded in half. Contains photocopy of two pages from the "Readings: Prelude to Kaddish" section of the Kol Haneshamah Shabbat Vehagim prayerbook. One side contains the poem "Each Of Us Has a Name" in English and Hebrew. Other side contains "In Many Houses" by Diane Cole and "To open eyes when others close them" by Emmanuel Eydoux.
Magazine cutting with sparrow sitting on a tree branch on the front cover with the stock quote "dreamy, melancholic variations." Printed poem below and above the quote. Tear marks on the upper edge. Image of three women in long peasant skirts standing on a wooden floor around an illuminated candle.
Terms of Use
The October 27 Archive collects responses to an antisemitic attack in Pittsburgh, Pa. on October 27, 2018. These responses take many forms but share a motivating impulse. Each began in the mind and heart of someone who was moved by the events of that day and was compelled to create something meaningful from that feeling. By sharing these responses, those people chose to be vulnerable for the sake of a greater good. The October 27 Archive website was launched with the belief that sharing these responses with the world can provide an avenue for people all over the world to reflect, learn, and heal.
By entering this website, you agree to honor the spirit in which these responses were created and in which they are being shared with the world.
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