Primary Type – Cards
Secondary Type - Cards
Language – Cards
Creator – Cards
Date – Cards
Group – Cards
Location – Cards
Event – Cards
Sympathy card from the staff of Family Medicine Squirrel Hill to the families of the October 27 victims. Pre-printed word "family" is crossed out and replaced with handwritten word "families."
Handmade card illustrated in pink and blue colored pencil featuring assorted hearts in varying shapes and colors. Color bleeding due to exposure to the elements at the Wilkins memorial.
Post-it note with handwritten message in blue ink. The message reads: "Prayers for Pittsburg[h]. May this never happen again anywhere." Color bleeding due to exposure to the elements.
Post-it note with handwritten message in blue marker. The message reads: "We are strong [underlined] and we will not forget your memory."
Floral tag from floral arrangement sent by Eddie and Diane in memory of Al Hess. The note is printed on a tag with a beige background from a local florist.
Handmade paper cut out illustrated with pencil and marker in the shape of a clown. The reverse is signed: "Love, Liam."
Card from the Friendship Circle of Illinois. The cover reads: "To the Jewish community of Pittsburgh, From: Ari [last name redacted]." The acronym "B"SD" (with the help of heaven) appears in the upper right corner. The left flap on the inside features a large smiley face. The right flap reads: "I feel very bad for you and there should be always good stuff. And there be no bad stuff and Moshiach should come right NOW!!" A smiley face has been inserted inside the letter O.
Post-it note with handwritten message in black ink. The message reads: "The strength of your Jewish community is inspiring. From NYC to Pittsburgh, we love you." Color bleeding due to exposure to the elements at the Wilkins memorial.
Card from the Friendship Circle of Illinois. The front cover shows an upper and lower case "H." The inside features an illustration of two stick figures.
Handwritten card from a student at Goddard Middle School in Littleton, Co. The front cover contains the following quote attributed to Hubert H. Humphrey: "The greatest gift of life is friendship and I have received it. Quote is accompanied by Star of David and a heart. Signed: "By Jace S." The inside reads: "Dear Rabbi Jeffrey Myers, I am a student from Colorado and I heard about the news and I am sorry for your loss. Sincerely, Jace [last name redacted], Goddard Middle School." Back reads: "Friends never say goodbye."
Note from a member of The Church at Severn Run in Severn, Maryland. The note is enclosed in an envelope with church letterhead, reading: "The Church at Severn Run: Love Well, Live Jesus, Believe Big!" The note inside reads: "Stay strong, remain faithful, know you're loved. - Scott." The church's contact information is included on the back of the envelope.
Card featuring reproduction of a nineteenth century Japanese woodblock print depicting the grounds of the Kameido Tenjin Shrine in Tokyo, Japan. Interior includes handwritten note from two individuals who identify as a Catholic and a baptized Episcopalian, respectively.
Engraved aluminum medallion attached to gray ribbon. Medallion features engraving of Pittsburgh skyline, bordered by design resembling bridges and the words "Stronger Than Hate." Accompanying card provides context for medallion against a yellow and white gradient with black text. Includes quotation from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Vinyl banner with light blue horizontal bars across the top and bottom with light blue text against a white background. Text reads, "We Love Our Jewish Neighbors" in all-capital san serif font.
Summary: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette report on President Donald Trump's announcement of plans to visit Pittsburgh following the October 27 attack. Includes statements and comments from the president regarding various aspects of the attack.