Primary Type – Cards
Secondary Type - Cards
Language – Cards
Creator – Cards
Date – Cards
Group – Cards
Location – Cards
Event – Cards
Letter from a member of the Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church in San Diego, California. The letter reads: "My thoughts and prayers are with you. Clara [last name redacted]."
Post-it note with handwritten message in red marker. The message reads: "We will love you forever." Creasing due to exposure to the elements at the Wilkins memorial.
Message written on a green note card which affirms the importance of words and combatting hate. The note ends with the following words: "Squirrel Hill is in the hearts and minds of everyone in PGH [Pittsburgh] and in the world."
Post-it note with handwritten message in black and red marker. The message reads: "God bless all people of Pittsburgh. Our hearts are with you. [Heart]."
Post-it note with handwritten message in blue ink. The note is written in Hebrew. Translated into English, the message reads: "May their memories be for a blessing. May God avenge their blood."
Letter from a member of the Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church in San Diego, California. The letter reads: "Dear friends at Tree of Life, We have been so saddened by what has happened. Our hearts break for you. We want you to know we may be far away, but we hold you close in our prayers. You are our brothers and sisters. We are with you. Sincerely, Cara [last name redacted] Pt. Loma Presbyterian Church."
Post-it note with handwritten message in red marker. The note, which is encased in a large heart, reads: "Remember Always [Star of David]."
Handwritten note written in black, pink, and red marker on the back of page from a Staples calendar. The note contains quotes from Ecclesiastes and the South African Jewish philosopher, David Benatar. The quotes articulate the philosophical perspective, championed by Benatar, that procreation is not ethical.
Square card with white and yellow text against blue background. Card reads, "Mitzvah4Pittsburgh. Some spread darkness. We spread light. Choose a good deed. Choose a Mitzvah. Add light to the world," followed by four options and a place for respondents to list their name and email address. Some names and email addresses have been redacted for privacy.
Folded card with marker and colored pencil illustration. Cover features Star of David inside heart. Interior features illustrations of heart inside rings, two hands reaching out, and tree with name "Deliliah Lieber."
Post-it note with handwritten message in black ink. The message reads: "The strength of your Jewish community is inspiring. From NYC to Pittsburgh, we love you." Color bleeding due to exposure to the elements at the Wilkins memorial.
Handwritten note written in brown marker on green coloring paper reading: "Let there be love and light in this world. Our thoughts are with this community. We send our love, light and peace. C. [last name redacted]."
Handwritten letter written in black pencil on pink coloring paper folded in half from the Dillon family. The letter inside is addressed to God, referred to as "Heavenly Father." The Dillon family pray for healing, comfort, and unity. The envelope is addressed to Tree of Life, written in blue pencil.
Card from a congregant at the Holy Angels Parish. The front cover contains a stock illustration of a haloed dove flying in front of Noah's ark. Due to water exposure at the memorial site, the message in this card has been partially erased. The remaining text reads: "[?] everybody is ok...praying for those...are hurt and kill. [Na]me: Elio age: 10... [Holy Ang]els" CCD."
Folded card with colored-pencil illustrations. Front features illustration of tree shedding leaves. Interior features sun shining over water and the name "Sarah."
Printed translation of Psalm 43, according to the English Standard Version (ESV) translation. The person who printed this psalm included a personal, typed note below reading: "Tears are prayers too. They travel to God when we can't speak."
Summary: New York Jewish Week breaking news report on the October 27 attack.
Handwritten card from a student at Goddard Middle School in Littleton, Co. Cover features an illustration of an American flag and Israeli flag flanking a budding plant in the lower center, and a bilingual quote in English and Hebrew attributed to Ghandi in the upper center. In English, the quote reads: "Be the change you want to see in the world." The inside reads: "Dear Rabbi Jeffrey Myers, I am so sorry for your loss. It breaks my hear to hear about acts of Anti-Semitism. I am keeping you and your congregation in my heart and prayers.
Floral tag from floral arrangement addressed to the members of the Tree of Life synagogue. The note is printed on a tag with a beige background from a local florist; tearing in the center right due to exposure to the elements at the Wilkins memorial.
Oral history of Wally Caplan, recorded as part of the Meanings of October 27th Oral History Project.