Primary Type – Cards
Secondary Type - Cards
Language – Cards
Creator – Cards
Date – Cards
Group – Cards
Location – Cards
Event – Cards
Folded card with marker and colored pencil illustration. Front and back cover features Star of David inside heart. Interior features illustrations of heart and tree and word "Please accept our love and thoughts at this terrible time. Beth Chai Congregation, Bethesda, Md."
Printed translation of Psalm 43, according to the English Standard Version (ESV) translation. The person who printed this psalm included a personal, typed note below reading: "Tears are prayers too. They travel to God when we can't speak."
Summary: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette report detailing how several Jewish institutions in Allegheny County responded to the immediate breaking news of the October 27 attack. Includes reports from Shaare Torah Congregation, Chabad of South Hills, and the Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh. Includes comments from the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh detailing security measures undertaken within the Jewish community in recent years. Report also includes quotes from a havdalah vigil held at the corner of Murray and Forbes avenues on the evening of the attack.
Square card with white and yellow text against blue background. Card reads, "Mitzvah4Pittsburgh. Some spread darkness. We spread light. Choose a good deed. Choose a Mitzvah. Add light to the world," followed by four options and a place for respondents to list their name and email address. Some names and email addresses have been redacted for privacy.
Card with photograph of ribbons laid out in a rainbow pattern. The inside reads: "God bless. Sandy and Cheri."
Zine page with bubble letters and information about the emotional value of hugs. Zine page with cartoons illustrating the emotional value of hugs, including a superhero, labeled "Hugs to the Rescue" and a young couple.
Post-it note with handwritten message in black marker. The message reads: "I was not here, but I live nearby. Had I been home I could have grabbed my baseball bat, and gone after Bowers."
Post-it note with handwritten message with blue marker. The message reads: "Stronger Than Hate!" Illustrated with a heart and signed: "TR."
Printed card in black ink on white paper. The card contains a large, empty rectangle outlined in black and reads: "I am thankful for people who help me. Nehemiah builds a wall. Nehemiah 1-6."
Oral history of Leslie Aizenman, recorded as part of the Meanings of October 27th Oral History Project.
Handwritten card written in pencil, blue and purple crayon, on paper. The note is from a seven year old child [name is illegible]. The note reads: "We won't forget how you spread kindness so we will do the same to the world. Be kind all around." An illustration of a globe appears below. Spelling errors corrected for clarity. Staining and tearing due to exposure to the elements at the Wilkins memorial.
Post-it note with handwritten message in black marker. The message reads: "No one ever do that."
Hallmark card from a member of St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Londonderry, New Hampshire. The envelope features an illustrated heart. The front cover reads: "Peace" and features a sandy landscape with a blue sky and orange flowers. The inside reads: "I pray you will find love and peace in the everyday actions of people who care for you. We send so much love to you from Londonderry, New Hampshire and beyond. Love and peace, Erin [last name redacted]."
Card from the Friendship Circle of Illinois. The card reads: "To the Jewish community of Pittsburgh sheyichyu (may they live), I will daven for you and give extra tzadakah (charity) and nothing else should happen like what just happened and when moshiach (the Messiah) comes [?] and Hashem will do t'chiyat hameitim (resurrect the dead). The rest of your life should be successful. From so and so... which." The acronym "BS"D" (with the help of heaven), a common header in traditional Jewish letter-writing, appears in the upper left corner.
Post-it note with handwritten message in blue marker. The message reads: "Peace and love from Denver, CO."
Handwritten card from "Laura" of Monroeville, Pa., expressing solidarity with the Jewish community. Writer identifies as "resident of Monroeville," "Gateway Gator," "breast cancer survivor," and "practicing Catholic."
Letter from a member of the Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church in San Diego, California. The letter reads: "Tree of Life, I bleed for you and with you. My soul hurts for you. I stand with you in your faith. I pray for healing. Lola. Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church."
Post-it note with handwritten message in black ink. The note is written in Hebrew and English. Translated into English, the message reads: "All of Israel are connected to one another. We are with you!"
Terms of Use
The October 27 Archive collects responses to an antisemitic attack in Pittsburgh, Pa. on October 27, 2018. These responses take many forms but share a motivating impulse. Each began in the mind and heart of someone who was moved by the events of that day and was compelled to create something meaningful from that feeling. By sharing these responses, those people chose to be vulnerable for the sake of a greater good. The October 27 Archive website was launched with the belief that sharing these responses with the world can provide an avenue for people all over the world to reflect, learn, and heal.
By entering this website, you agree to honor the spirit in which these responses were created and in which they are being shared with the world.
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