Primary Type – Cards
Secondary Type - Cards
Language – Cards
Creator – Cards
Date – Cards
Group – Cards
Location – Cards
Event – Cards
Handwritten card in pencil on paper. The front cover features a Star of David in the center and reads in Hebrew: "L'chaim" (to life). The inside reads: "My condolences for this tragedy. Sending love from Cleveland, Ohio. Stay strong. You are in my prayers. Love, Louis [last name redacted]."
Note from a member of The Church at Severn Run in Severn, Maryland. The note is enclosed in an envelope with church letterhead, reading: "The Church at Severn Run: Love Well, Live Jesus, Believe Big!" The note inside reads: "We [a]re with you. We love you. We care about you." The church's contact information is included on the back of the envelope.
Handwritten note written in black ink on white paper with the full names of the eleven victims of the October 27 attack. Navy blue line appears on the upper edge on the back. Creasing and staining due to exposure to the elements at the Wilkins memorial.
Card from a congregant at the Holy Angels Parish. The front cover contains a stock illustration of a haloed dove flying in front of Noah's ark. The inside contains an illustrated tree surrounded by hearts. The tree is labeled "Tree of Life" on the branches and "Synagogue" below. The card reads: "Tree of Life, I am so sorry for your loss. We will pray and keep you in our thoughts and prayers. We will continue to pray for you at the nights come. Have a great day! Love, Natalie T. Holy Angels CCD, 6th grade."
Floral tag from floral arrangement, which reads: "May the lord Be with you!" The message is written in black ink on a printed tag with white and purple flecked flowers.
Card from a congregant at the Holy Angels Parish. The front cover contains a stock illustration of a haloed dove flying in front of Noah's ark. The inside contains an illustrated tree, labeled "Tree of Life" and reads: "Tree of Life Members, I am really sorry for your loss. I'm praying for you everyday. May all people that have passed away rest in heaven peacefully, and all that are injured good luck to recovery. May all the souls' hearts that have been broken recover and rejoy: Much Love From, Elaina, Holy Angels Church, 6th Grade."
Four page pamphlet with paragraphs of typed text and headshot portraits throughout. Purple toned text and photographs. Text describes history and mission of Lest We Forget project.
Post-it note with handwritten message in black ink. The message reads: "Sending love, support, and solidarity." Color bleeding due to exposure to the elements at the Wilkins memorial.
Post-it note with handwritten message and illustration in blue marker. The note features an illustration of a winged angel with a sad face in the center and a sun in the upper right corner. The words: "Love > hate [encircled with a slash trough the center]" appear below.
Card with polka dots on the cover. The card is addressed "Neighbors" and affirms the three senders' thoughts and prayers for the "victims, family members, and friends at Tree of Life."
Post-it note with handwritten message in red marker. The message reads: "We are with you." Illustrated with a heart and a Star of David.
Card from the Friendship Circle of Illinois. The front cover reads: "To: The Jewish community of Pittsburgh. From: Zalman [last redacted] Chicago, Il." The inside reads: "I take upon myself to have more kavane (intention; emotional devotion) when I daven (pray). Moshiach (the Messiah) should come now and their should only be simchas (joyous occassions)." The message is accompanied by an illustration of a building with a set of stairs leading to a door with a crenellated roof. Spelling errors corrected for clarity.
Note from a member of The Church at Severn Run in Severn, Maryland. The note is enclosed in an envelope with church letterhead, reading: "The Church at Severn Run: Love Well, Live Jesus, Believe Big!" The note inside conveys the sender's horror regarding the October 27 attack and their prayers that God grant peace and comfort. The church's contact information is included on the back of the envelope.
Letter from a member of the Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church in San Diego, California. The letter reads: "Dearest brothers and sisters of faith, Words cannot express the sadness and rage we feel in what has happened in your community. May God grant you His peace- as only [underlined] He [underlined] can do and know our love and prayers are with you. In love, Jolene and Dave [last name redacted] Point Loma Pres- San Diego, Ca."
Handwritten note written in black marker on a manilla envelope. Note is addressed to Tree of Life and contains messages in both English and Hebrew.
Letter from a member of the Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church in San Diego, California. The letter reads: "To Members of Tree of Life and your community, We stand with you! I am praying for spiritual and physical healing for those who were injured or affected by the awful act of hatred directed at you. We serve an all-powerful God of mercy and love and I pray that you are comforted knowing that there are many who are lifting prayers on your behalf. May you as a community of faith be encouraged and healed. Pam [last name redacted]."
Letter from a member of the Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church in San Diego, California. The letter reads: "May the love and comfort of God, our father, be with you all in this dark hour. We pray for all of you. GOD BLESS You. Margaret [last name redacted]."
Card with colored pencil illustration. Cover features an illustration of a leafy tree with pink asterisk-shaped stars, labeled: "The place where new life can grow." Inside reads: "Baruch dayan ha'emet" in English and Hebrew, and "I am sorry for your friends and families loss. I know what it feels like. So I am sending all the way from Texas this blessing." The back is signed: "Miriam." Spelling errors have been corrected in this transcription.
Handwritten and illustrated card on light blue paper. The card reads: "We love you!" Signed: "Your friend, Bennett." Illustrations of sun, various flowers, and five hearts appear in the center.
Handwritten note written in black ink on cream colored paper with a rose and rose bud illustrated in the upper left and lower right corners, respectively.
Terms of Use
The October 27 Archive collects responses to an antisemitic attack in Pittsburgh, Pa. on October 27, 2018. These responses take many forms but share a motivating impulse. Each began in the mind and heart of someone who was moved by the events of that day and was compelled to create something meaningful from that feeling. By sharing these responses, those people chose to be vulnerable for the sake of a greater good. The October 27 Archive website was launched with the belief that sharing these responses with the world can provide an avenue for people all over the world to reflect, learn, and heal.
By entering this website, you agree to honor the spirit in which these responses were created and in which they are being shared with the world.
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